Welcome to
For exploring the new ways
to transmit and gain
workplace experience
to transmit and gain
workplace experience
The vision
Mainstreaming Occupational Safety and Health into education to improve workplace safety culture by the learning potential of immersive virtual training environments that rely on the possibility for learners to make many significant first-person experiences in an effective way to learn practically without being there to feel emotionally and cognitively present in the situation.

The aim
To support active OSH and educational experts', SMEs and young workers' and OSH learners' participation, promote digital education, promote awareness-raising of the importance of OSH education today and its connection to the labour market and educate the national society on the significance of working place safety culture development.

The target group
The main target group of the project are Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) teachers and trainers in VET and CVET as well as VET learners and young workers as participants in CVET.

Our learners should have a functioning computer or a tablet. Whether it is a desktop or a laptop, any computer will do and will allow you to use the TIME4IT training program in an efficient virtual environment.

Web camera
When using the TIME4IT platform, we highly recommend having a webcam. It allows for a greater bond between the learner and the teacher and makes it easier to develop a real human connection. You can understand each other better, slow things physically and not only digitally.

We describe our learners as Personalities with a desire to be in the centre of their learning and keen on making many significant first-person experiences effectively to learn practically without actually being there. Therefore, Personalities within TIME4IT are ready to conduct realistic virtual practical training even if the training facility is not reachable!

Inside TIME4IT, you will find 15 Manufacturing and Service Industries training program Modules with 5 Virtual Immersive Environments each followed by 3 Supportive tasks accordingly (225 totally), allowing transferring OSH knowledge and skills acquired theoretically to the context of real-life situations.

Positive mood
TIME4IT platform is enhancing positivity in the workplace which is becoming a powerful tool to produce valuable and desired results that can improve safety and a healthy working environment. Positive outcomes are associated with experiencing positive moods that range from improved physical health to lower job turnover. Positive outlooks are an important tool to awareness, to better focus on prevention of hazardous environment and to create better decisions when needed the most.
Let's start
the learning journey!
the learning journey!